Read this advice before you book a massage in Gozo and you will get the best out of your session.
Ask yourself this question. How many times have you booked a good massage? And does that number outweigh the bad ones?
How do you find and book a massage in Gozo? You could use Google to find a ‘massage therapist near me’ only to find when you are done that you are less than impressed. Alternatively, a friend may have raved about their last session and told you all about it so you quickly book on their recommendation, but for you, it just didn’t cut the mustard.
Finding the right therapist for you can be a long process but it’s worth the hunt when you experience and find the gold. First things first, when you book a massage in Gozo, it should be a totally unique and individual process. Let’s face it, we all like different things. We all have different ailments and require focus on different parts of our body at different times. One time you may need a pummeling in your neck, another you may need more attention on your back.
The second thing we need to consider is that anyone can learn massage. Anyone can do a course, even online nowadays. They can study the techniques, know how to set a room, and even talk the talk..but do all of them really walk the walk?
Massage Is The Undiscovered Exchange Of Energies Between You And Your Therapist
Andrea Britton
Read These 5 Tips On How To Book A Massage In Gozo
There is an art to when you book a massage and it’s quite simple. In Gozo we have numerous choices and we represent a few of the best. Before you book, at any given time, know the following:
1. How Do You Feel?
When you book a massage in Gozo, it is important to understand how you feel on the day of your treatment. Five minutes of stillness will work wonders and offer you intel that will maximise the impact of your session. Check in with yourself and try to gain some balance before you go.
2. Where Do You Have Pain Or Tension?
On the day of your massage, it is important to understand where your body is holding onto stuff. Where in your body is there pain or tension? Do you feel tight in your muscles? Or do you have an old injury that could cause this discomfort?
3. Manage Expectations
When booking a massage in Gozo, understand your expectations from your forthcoming session? What are your core desired feelings? How do you want to feel when you are in the session and when you leave? Removing expectations anywhere in your life is a game-changer and relaying these things to your therapist could be the best thing you can do.
4. What Works For You?
Where in your body do you like your therapist to spend more time? Are you particular? Do you enjoy more time spent on your back? Your leg muscles? Your neck? Think about it and let your therapist know.
5. Take A Breath
Once you have booked a massage in Gozo take a breath. Before you arrive for your treatment, spend five minutes deep breathing. Empty your mind as much as possible and breath into your joints, core, muscles, hands and feet. This prep will allow your therapist to move around your body and instinctively work with a blank canvas.
Massage is a dance between you and your therapist. You may need the Cha-cha or you may be in more of a Rumba mood, but to guarantee the very best experience at that moment between you and your chosen therapist, you need to know what you want and feel safe enough to share that. So go with your gut, set personal intentions and share them with your chosen therapist and this will allow you both to receive a great session and, potentially, the best massage of your life.