We Welcome Therese Galea to the GITH Team. Read on to find out why this lady rocks!
Therese’s story is about living in the moment.
GITH Woman
Therese is our absolute goto when it comes to exploring the Maltese islands. She is a mum of two who has recently mixed her passion with purpose and started her own hiking business for those wishing to make the most of the great outdoors.
In our opinion, Therese is a shining example of creating the life you love whilst serving others. She has always had a drive for a challenge, exploring in the fresh air and being healthy and has come to a time in her life where being a mum to two little ones has taken priority. Instead of pushing aside her dreams, she has cleverly crafted a project called Off D Island, that not only ticks all her own boxes and those of her whole family, but she is also offering heart-lead service to other families too. What a gal!
Tell me about your project
Off D Island is a family-oriented tour guide that helps other families explore the Maltese islands. It’s been a joy to build our community of like-minded families. Travel and adventure were always part of our life. Many people used to tell us that once we had kids, this would all change. Despite this, with Krista only three months old, we took off to Italy for a short stay, and we never looked back. We’ve been hiking with Krista, and then Mattia, since then. During this time we noticed that other parents were looking up to us for inspiration. It was then that we decided to start sharing our family adventures. Through our page, we stress the importance of spending quality time as a family and spending time outdoors. The benefits are multiple and affect all members of the family positively. On our social media pages, we share tips, location and activities for young kids and encourage people to visit new places, even locally. We hope to be able to share more of our adventures outside Malta and Gozo in the very near future.
What drives and inspires you?
Coming up with creative ideas and projects which can make a difference in other people’s lives drives me forward. I love going out on adventures and exploring new places with family and friends and it is also really encouraging to receive so many positive comments from other families on a daily basis – that keeps me going.
What inspires you?
Going out on an adventure or exploring a new place with family and friends.
What keeps you sane?
Wine and coffee! The former helps me sleep while the other helps me wake up! In a household with two toddlers, nights are nearly always busy.
What has been your biggest lesson to date?
Don’t let your inner voice or other people stop you from following your dreams, whatever those dreams may be.
What’s your tip for life-work balance?
Early wake-ups (before all the other family members wake up) is key for me. It gives me time to prepare myself for the day ahead. And, not overdoing it. I list no more than three things that I aim to complete in the day. For the rest, there’s always tomorrow.
Live like there’s no tomorrow!
Therese galea
What advice would you give your younger self?
Believe in yourself. A younger me did not, and I wish I did. So many doors open once you do.
Do you have any advice for those that wish to start an online community?
Put all your energy into what you dream to achieve, and it will work out. Yes, there will be stumbling blocks and you’ll feel like a failure, but with the right support from family or from a like-minded community (SHE comes to mind), you’ll get there.
what book changed your life?
Reading this book made the cultural differences so clear. In Malta, we tend to stay indoors whenever it is drizzling, temperatures fall below the winter average or it’s windier than usual. If asked, most parents will tell you that if they do go out in such weather conditions, their children might get a cold. This is proven to be a myth. A cold is a viral infection, and being indoors with other people gives you a much higher chance of catching it. There’s no excuse for not getting outside – all you need in Malta is good rainwear, and an extra pair of clothes – we’re lucky enough to have a temperate climate!
What are you looking forward to?
Travel. Specifically travel as a family. Looking back at photos from our trips pre-COVID, I cannot help by wish for borders to open up so that we can continue showing the world to our children. It’s only through experiences in other countries, the people, cultures and languages, that they can truly appreciate what a beautiful world we live in.
The Takeaway. Be inspired by Therese knowing what she loves and crafting her life around it. By putting the pieces of her life, love and responsibilities together she has nailed a super cool and healthy business for all her family and others to enjoy.
These are some of the ways Therese shows up in the world: Off D Island on Facebook | Instagram