Discover The Benefits Of Sound Healing With Kevin Busuttil.
The Box Society. Super Structures.
Have you ever afforded yourself the luxury to slow down and ponder your environment?
I am fortunate to inhabit a tempo notably more languid than the average populace, granting me ample opportunity to scrutinize both my inner and outer world, particularly whilst engaging with the instruments employed in Sound Healing. A revelation struck me some years ago, our society is not merely externally regimented but also internally constricted. Our psyches are effectively encased in metaphorical boxes.
I urge you to take a moment to survey your surroundings – your office, your home, your furniture, the streets, and so forth. What do you observe?
Where does this lead us?
In December, I commenced studying Access Consciousness. During one seminar, Dr. Dain Heer broached the topic of ‘Healing Through Chaos’. In an instant, everything crystallized for me. We navigate lives that are obsessively ordered, and anything that deviates from this order is condemned, ostracized, and eradicated. This pervasive compulsion for order and control begets stress, anxiety, and various maladies linked to this excessive desire for structure. Moreover, societal dysfunction arises as we judge and exclude those who do not conform, spawning addictions and distortions.
“I speak from personal experience, having grappled with severe Heroin and Cocaine addiction for over two decades.”
Kevin Busuttil
Attempting to fit a spherical object into a cubical space does not work. What am I alluding to here? The incessant drive for order and control stems from fear. Observing conversations, media, and societal consensus, it becomes evident that fear and scarcity are our primary motivators. In my perspective, we must redefine our understanding of chaos and order. We often conflate chaos with havoc. To me, havoc is destructive, whereas chaos is liberating and expansive.
Consider nature, in its remnants we observe: no squared trees or flowers, no straight lines, no boxes, but rather intricate, complex patterns, beautiful curves, and symmetry – a self-organizing system, not an imposed structure.
Our existence diverges significantly from these fundamental universal principles.
What if we could realign our lives with the more coherent ways of nature, and instead of ordering we switch to organizing, instead of control we live more in a state of allowance.
What Transpires During A Sound Healing Journey?
There is an infinite amount of information that we can explore when it comes to sound, vibration and frequencies. Essentially one of the major benefits of experiencing a Sound Healing journey is called BrainWave Entrainment. When we hear instruments we are creating a vibration that the brain can follow and as a consequence, it starts to generate altered waves of activity as shown in the diagram above.
This allows us to access different states of consciousness and realign the human system to a more coherent state of being, leaving us with a sense of peace, spaciousness, lightness and connectedness. Basically, you drop closer to the natural organism of harmony. That’s where true healing becomes a possibility that you start tweaking and tuning your daily life to reflect more of that resonance rather than the dissonance that we are so used to that we even call it normal. And that is why a sound bath can be a tremendous way of healing the body, mind and soul.
Remember that healing is not a magic wand but a simple choice.
For more information on booking a Sound Healing journey and Massage Therapy or just to have a meaningful conversation about it all, contact Nikara. Email: WhatsApp +356 7733 8443