This explanation of how the brain works will certainly get you thinking more positively.
The human brain can be both amazing and baffling but the power of positive thought is undeniable.
The power of positive thought is real. Science helps us to understand how and why the brain does what it does. We can understand how the brain and nervous system control our unconscious functions – our breathing and heart rate for example, and we can understand a little about how our conscious and unconscious thoughts control our state of mind, and our actions.
Throughout your brain, there is a collection of synapses separated by empty space called the synaptic gap. Whenever you have a thought, one synapse shoots a chemical across the cleft to another synapse, building a bridge over which an electric signal can cross, carrying the relevant information you’re thinking about. Every time this electrical charge is triggered, the synapses grow closer together in order to decrease the distance the electrical charge has to cross. The brain rewires itself, physically changing to make it easier and more likely that the proper synapses will share the chemical link; making it easier for the thought to trigger. Your thoughts reshape your brain.
Are you still with me?
Happiness Grows Happiness
The synapses you’ve most strongly bonded together (by thinking about something over and over) come to represent your default personality: your intelligence, skills, aptitudes, and most easily accessible thoughts. The synapses that you use more are literally closer together – they trigger first, dictating the outcome of a particular event or stimulus in your mind, and dictating your response.
“It’s not just your own thoughts that can alter your brain and shift synapses, its the thoughts of those around you to.”
David Haworth, NLp Coach
And get this – It’s not just your own thoughts that can alter your brain and shift those synapses; the thoughts of those around you can do it as well; When we see someone experiencing an emotion (be it anger, sadness, happiness, etc), our unconscious mind “tries out” that same emotion to imagine what the other person is going through. And it does this by attempting to fire the same synapses in your own brain so that you can attempt to relate to the emotion you’re observing. Empathy, right? Happy people make us happy people.
When we are around someone that moans, we sympathetically and unconsciously fire off the same synapses in our brain. This is why it is so important to spend time with people who lift you up, who are positive, happy, and optimistic; people who generally see the good before the bad. And when happy people get together, that collective consciousness is incredibly powerful. It has the power to change our thought patterns and mindset for good. For us, in this time of global connectedness and collective consciousness, we have the choice to make lasting and meaningful change in the world.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming studies the structure of how humans think and experience the world. Learn techniques for quickly and effectively changing thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs that limit you have been developed, and they work! Learn more about David's offerings here.