NLP Coach, David Haworth shares why this technique is a worthy antidote to stress and anxiety.
When you feel lost or restricted by the past, or can’t seem to imagine the bright future you deserve, NLP coaching can be a powerful and versatile healing process.
Sometimes it can be hard to find the bright side and, for many, this can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety and at worst, longer-lasting mental health issues. The tools and techniques used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) are effective in a whole range of situations and provide meaningful and lasting results. What’s more, the process is quick and you don’t need to spend months in traditional therapy to see a difference.
NLP coaching deals directly with the processes and thought patterns in the unconscious mind which means we bypass the filters and safeguards of the sneaky and deceptive conscious mind enabling us to get to the root of a problem fast.
Our memories, our habits and our unconscious thought patterns are what create our everyday model of the world. Almost always, these are distorted by our past experiences, trauma, self-expectation and self-limiting beliefs which we have about ourselves. Through NLP we become more self-aware and self-empowered; empowered to make changes that inevitably mean we can become the person we want to be. We become resilient, adaptable, and in control of our emotional state, realising that we are allowed to be the architect of our own lives, how we feel, act, react and grow.
“NLP helps us to become resilient, adaptable, and in control of our emotional state, realising we are allowed to be the architect of our own lives.”
David Haworth, NLp Coach
Our Minds Need Spring-Cleaning Too!
All of us (and this is obvious when you think about it) will benefit from spring cleaning the mind, whether it be the conscious or unconscious. It is a really great starting point to dealing with any issues we may have. Our unconscious mind stores memories of everything we have ever seen, heard, felt, tasted and touched, it also holds onto all those pesky negative emotions that we have experienced. Anger, sadness, grief, guilt and so on. Those emotions are terrifically damaging and also terrifically successful at holding us back and anchoring us in the past.
Sometimes, our memories of past situations are confused by our own perceptions of how things are or were or should be and our unconscious mind will regularly throw up these emotions because we haven’t processed them. But in every one of those past events, there is a lesson to learn or a thought to unlearn, and until we healthily move through this, our unconscious mind won’t let it go.
In using the simple tools and techniques of NLP we can untangle all of that. For example; Timeline Therapy, when used effectively, can allow us to release stored up emotions quickly and painlessly and once they are gone, then the real fun starts! We can begin to build a future that is not self-limiting, and full of emotional baggage. We create a picture of the life you want, the life you can now have.
Learn more about David’s offerings here.